After a long long long journey, one that was surprisingly comfortable (yay, Air Canada), I arrived in Japan today. Erin met me at the airport, and we promptly got on a bus north. As I type this I am sitting on the Nikko line train at Utsunomiya Station. Someday I […]
Blog Keri
66 posts
The fortune cookie has spoken! Here’s a behind-the-scenes shot: Love me some action figure theater!
Flowers by the drive. Flowers in the yard. I have no idea what they are. Feel free to enlighten me.
Through the blackberry jungle the Avengers march, seeking evil to fight. And deliciousness to harvest.
Well, mostly what I’m doing is testing the WordPress engine again. Â I’ll probably want to work on portfolios and figure out some nice essay topics, and hook this in somehow to social media. Otherwise I’m just shouting into the aether, vanishing into a sea of cold, brilliant stars.