Blog Keri
The Quilt Festival has come and gone, and we’re back to regular production. This year I attended the awards ceremony for the first time, which was great, and afforded a fantastic opportunity to get up close and personal with the winning quilts. Here’s a detail of one of the […]
Well, it’s happened: I got a quilt accepted to a special exhibit at the International Quilt Festival-Houston! My quilt, We Can Quilt it!, will be in the “Power of Women” exhibit on the Special Exhibits floor, November 8-11, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. The quilt is a six-foot-tall self-portrait […]
Wow, is it July already? Well, Quilting Jetgirl is having a Mid-Year Review linkup in company with last year’s Planning Party. So I wanted to track my submissions, which I have not done, but I also didn’t submit many places. However, I can add two new ribbons to my collection, Honorable […]
Visitors may have noticed that the site has been down for a while. A crisis in the WordPress backend meant, at the end of the day, a complete re-installation, stripping back to the basics, by my IT folks. (Thanks, Tim!) It took a while to get it going, and I […]