Quilt Goals, Life Goals

Review of 2018
My big news for 2018 was having a quilt in a Special Exhibit at the International Quilt Festival.
I had work in a couple of other smaller, local shows, as well. It was a good year for quilts.
I taught a few sewing classes, for students ages seven to adult, over the course of the year.
I started some projects that I didn’t finish, so this year will begin with UFOs:
- Grandmothers Series: Amanda
- Hera Teleia embroidery
- 2017 #100days100blocks bed quilt
- Quilting for Mom’s Lone Star quilt
I also went to an Astros game with my brother and sister-in-law. I hadn’t been to a game in ten years. I admit to having a huge crush on their mascot, Orbit. I love him!
Much of this year seemed to take place in and around hospitals and doctors’ offices while mom and dad both underwent various surgeries and treatments. I am really good at negotiating the Main Street parking garages at Houston Methodist.
Coming in 2019:
I’ll be teaching more sewing classes in various locations around Houston. I’m pretty excited about that.
I’m leading a Creativity Social every Wednesday night at Honey Art Cafe, at 7:00 pm. Local crafty and arty folks are invited to bring portable projects to work on in company. I’d like to make the group into something that could host workshops or special projects as well.
I plan to learn crochet and weaving to augment the quilting and embroidery.
One thought on “2019 Planning Party”
I hope that you have a wonderful 2019. Thank you for sharing your goals for the year and liking up with the Planning Party!