So this year, I’m representing Friends of Fandom (aka Houston Science Fiction Association, the people who brought you ApolloCon) at Comicpalooza on a panel called “Meet & Geek with HSFA” on Saturday, May 13. (6pm, Room 352D, I believe. Check the final schedule to be certain. Badges required!) We are […]
I spent most of the convention sitting a table in the Dealers’ Room, because I was in charge of the Charity Auction on site. Â It wasn’t a terrible duty, and we made some great sales. Also got some good donations. I had two programming items: first, I ran a really […]
Quilt Festival Day 1 was full of free motion on Bernina machines. Really great class. The most useful part was specific tutorial on diagnosing tension problems. Awesome. Today’s class is about creative businesses.
So I’m just popping up at random here in the journal-sphere to mention that I’m appearing on Programming at DetCon1, the North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC) that’s happening in Detroit starting this Thursday. Here’s my schedule (or at the website): Time – Title – Room Thursday, 17 July 4pm […]