Sometimes, living in Houston has unexpected perks, as when some old friends turn out to also be former NASA researchers who can request VIP tours for visiting science fiction authors. My group, the Houston Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Meetup, hosted a writers workshop with Chris McKitterick, director of the […]
I’ve been enjoying some serious and intensive art marketing and business training for the last couple of weeks, in company with a fantastic Artists’ Retreat in Galveston and some other events. It’s been a long few weeks since I returned to town from my annual trek to the outskirts of […]
So I’m just popping up at random here in the journal-sphere to mention that I’m appearing on Programming at DetCon1, the North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC) that’s happening in Detroit starting this Thursday. Here’s my schedule (or at the website): Time – Title – Room Thursday, 17 July 4pm […]
Erin and I spent last weekend in San Antonio. We toured Mission Trail, taking pictures and painting. I got a couple of great paintings out of it. I’ve got some great photos up now, including this one of the mission cat at Espada.
So for those who might have been briefly interested and then suffered my lack of reliable internet, here are my Japan photos on Flickr. Set: Japan 2013 I’m still (yes, still) working on labeling them all.
Watercolors from my sketch diary.